Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hypo Venture Capital: Hypo Venture Capital Zurich Management: News Corp....

Hypo Venture Capital: Hypo Venture Capital Zurich Management: News Corp....:

Hypo Venture Capital Zurich Management: News Corp. Swaps Diverge as S&P Considers Cut: Corporate Finance

By Mary Childs and Shannon D. Harrington - Jul 19, 2011 9:18 AM PT
Credit-default swaps on News Corp. (NWS) are the highest on record relative to its media peers as Standard & Poor’s says it may cut the publisher’s bond rating because of risks associated with the phone-hacking scandal.

Hypo Venture Capital: Hypo Venture Capital Headlines: Fake collar bomb m...

Hypo Venture Capital: Hypo Venture Capital Headlines: Fake collar bomb m...: The mystery over an extortion attempt in which a fake bomb was strapped to the neck of a millionaire’s daughter in Sydney has deepened afte...

Hypo Venture Capital Headlines: Fake collar bomb mystery deepens as Australian police focus on note

The mystery over an extortion attempt in which a fake bomb was strapped to the neck of a millionaire’s daughter in Sydney has deepened after it was revealed that the note left with the teenager bore the name of a character in the the 1966 novel Tai-Pan.